Feature · Research

Seeing Into The Quantum Heart of Matter

When I moved to St Andrews as a long-haired, clean-shaven 17-year-old, it wasn’t to embark on a career as a quantum theorist – my degree was originally to be in astrophysics. For two years, I was an astrophysics student, before eventually ditching space in favour of quantum physics. There were two main reasons for this.… Continue reading Seeing Into The Quantum Heart of Matter

Feature · Research

The Rise of the Quantum

[This post originally appeared on 21stcentury.co.uk] You might not realise it, but we are currently in the midst of what some are calling the second quantum revolution. From quantum computers to spintronics, from exotic superconductors to unbreakable encryption, we’re moving from the age of passively understanding and using quantum mechanics to the age of actively… Continue reading The Rise of the Quantum